Happy New Year!

I think we can all agree that 2012 was a roller coaster ride. We survived the Mayan Apocalypse, unspeakable tragedy, and a presidential election. It was really just too much for a single year, but we got through it for better or worse, and now it’s time to do it all over again.

Why not start with the cliché list of New Years Resolutions? My list is horrendously long, as always, so I’m only going to share a few with you.

1. Get last years manuscript published.

I’ve heard back from one agent and a few indie publishers. It needs revisions, and I’m not that surprised to hear that, it’s just a matter of sitting down, doing the work and getting it sent back out.

2. Get my Design Business up and running efficiently.

I have a lot to do here, so I won’t even bother with the details. however, I do have the website up and running. It’s bare bones, but my portfolio is up, so go check it out.

3. Finish Shadow Dancers.

Shadow Dancers is the first real manuscript I tackled. I started it back in 2008, and I have rewritten it 5 times. I’m so passionate about this manuscript, and yet it always misses the mark somehow. So I’m going to try again this year, and I really hope I get it right because this story just keeps haunting me.

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