Six Sentence Sunday #3

Another six sentences from Let Me Lie.

“What Brannon doesn’t know…” I left the rest unsaid, because we both knew if Brannon ever found out, he’d be really hurt, right before he hurt me. Brannon didn’t take betrayal in any form, and that’s exactly what my existence was to him. A betrayal. I should have never taken that job, should have never let myself that close to him.  Let him get that close to me.

Michael laughed and sauntered towards me. He pushed me against the wall a little too roughly for foreplay, but that was alright. I’d show him rough.

Six Sentence Sunday #2

This Six Sentence Sunday’s excerpt is from my current WIP, Let Me Lie.

“The logical part of my brain knew he couldn’t scent the vampire in me, but my nerves didn’t know that. My survival instincts had already decided in favor of flight but the predator had zeroed in, and any movement would be a signal that I was up for the chase. Escape was out the question, but I could distract him. He might be were, but he was still a man.

“It’s Burberry,” I whispered, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

His lazy hold became rigid, and he asked me, with no small amount of suspicion, “Burberry?””

Six Sentence Sunday #1

Below are six sentences from my latest work-in-progress, Let Me Lie. I’m still in the process of writing it, but if I’m successful with JulNaWriMo, it will be ready for revision/rewriting by August.

“It only takes one bad decision to ruin a perfectly good future. One minute you’re living life to the fullest, the next, you’re dealing out death just to ensure you take your next breath, because dying is not an option. I’m not talking about the six-feet-under kind of dead. I would welcome that with arms wide open at this point, because the way my life’s going it’ll be the only peace I ever know. It’s the unnatural death I fear. A salvationless eternity of hunger, pain, and loneliness.”

Cover Love

I’m fascinated with beautiful cover art, and like all beautiful things, it needs to be shared.

Alpha Male Monday: Callan Lyons

Face it, the alpha male is a dying breed in today’s society. As women have slowly gained rights and respect, it seems men have lost a lot of their inherently dominant qualities. Beta males are on the rise, and whether this is good or bad, I can’t say (Click here for a hilarious opinion of beta males). What I can say with certainty is that the majority heterosexual women are drawn to alpha males (I said alpha males, not assholes), and we can’t get enough of them. While they are few and far between in the real world, in romance there’s an alpha on every corner. This is why romance books sales are on the rise in a declining economy. WE WANT MORE ALPHAS!

Sadly, it doesn’t look like there will be a surge of alphas in the human population anytime soon, but in the meantime, we can console ourselves with fantasies of the perfect alpha male.

Forgive the crappy cover! This is a great read with plenty of smut, and an alpha male to die for.

Callan Lyons serves as the alpha to the feline breed pride, and leader of Sanctuary. He’s loyal and fiercely protective. There isn’t a situation he can’t handle, in or out of bed.

Species: Lion Breed
Occupation: Leader of Sanctuary
Weaknesses: Merinus Tyler, and children
Special Qualities: He has enhanced DNA, military training, his body produces an aphrodisiac, and his dick has a barb that can enhance his mate’s pleasure.

Eye Catching Covers

Here are some covers that caught my attention during my last browsing section. If you know of any noteworthy cover art, leave a comment with the title of the book and the author.

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If you love paranormal romance, then you’ve probably been bitten by the shifter bug. Who isn’t drawn to a man or woman in touch with their primal side? We’ve all been exposed to werewolves, but my first real experience with a werecat of any kind was with Sookie Stackhouse in the Southern Vampire Mysteries series. Crystal Norris is refered to as a werepanther and ignorant as I was, I blindly accepted this without question.

Recently, I decided to write a shifter romance and thought the elusive black panther would be a great choice for my hero. I have many faults, but the one thing I pride myself on is my willingness to do research before I commit to any idea–the information I gather isn’t always right, mind you, but I do put forth the effort.  I was surprised to learn that a panther is not a specific species of feline, but rather a broad term usually used to describe one of the four “big cats” of the Panthera genus: leopard, jaguar, tiger, and lion. All four are well known for their ability to roar, which makes them distinctive among felines.

Black and White Panthers are melanistic, leucistic, or albinistic felines. Their unique coloring is a resolute of genetic mutation. Many scientists believe that such mutations are a resolute of climate and/or other geographical factors.